5 Great Quotes from Movies That Empower and Inspire

As the final exams approach, NEXKY believes that many people are either deeply immersed in studying, earnestly reviewing lessons, or feeling burnt out. Today, NEXKY is here to deliver 5 great quotes from movies as encouragement for everyone to tackle the final crisis with determination. 💗

1️⃣ “Never study to be successful, study for self efficiency. Don’t run behind success. Follow behind excellence, success will come all way behind you.”

📖🎬 from “3 Idiots”

(Explanation: “Do not study or strive for success, but rather study to become proficient in what interests you. When we pursue our own excellence, success will naturally follow.”)

2️⃣ “Believe in your own voice. Embrace the power within you.”

🎼 from “The King’s Speech”

(Explanation: “Have faith in yourself and embrace the strength within you to overcome obstacles.”)

3️⃣ “Don’t ever let anybody tell you they’re better than you.”

🗣️ from “Forrest Gump”

(Explanation: “Never allow anyone to make you feel inferior or less capable than them.”)

4️⃣ “No! Try not. Do. Or do not. There is no try.”

🫡 from “Star Wars Episode IV – A New Hope”

(Explanation: “Instead of attempting, commit yourself wholeheartedly to doing. It’s better to take action than to merely contemplate.”)

5️⃣ “Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, today is a gift… that’s why they call it present.”

🎁 from “Kung Fu Panda”

(Explanation: “The past is behind us, the future is uncertain, but the present moment is a precious gift. Therefore, make the most of the present.”)

NEXKY has recommended these valuable quotes from renowned movies to all of you. Try incorporating them as sources of inspiration and motivation during this exam period. ❤️

P.S. The explanations provided for each quote are not literal translations but interpretations from a particular perspective. Different individuals may interpret them differently according to their circumstances.

Published by NEXKY

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