The easy-to-understand 7-step registration process

Have been studying for years but every time a new semester starts, we always forget how to register for classes. How do you use Reg Chula? 🤔

No worries, NEXKY won’t let our friends be confused for sure. We’ve got you!

Let’s check out the easy-to-understand 7-step registration process together! 😁

  1. Go to the website and enter your student ID and password to log in.
  2. After logging in, select the “Course Registration” menu and click “Regular Registration.”
  3. Enter the course registration code (obtained from your advisor) and click “Save and Confirm.”
  4. Proceed to the page to display the registration request. Enter the course code and section to register, then click “Save Course.”
  5. Check how many courses you have registered for under “Personal Information Inquiry” and go to “Course Registration Display Information.”
  6. Check and acknowledge the registration display results under “Personal Information Inquiry” and click “Registration Display Results (CR74).”
  7. Pay the tuition fee through the CU NEX application.

Just follow these simple 7 steps, and you’ll successfully register for classes. Hope these steps will help our friends register for next semester conveniently! 🤩

Published by NEXKY

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